🇬🇧 Reiki 4th Degree Teacher SHINPIDEN *online or in Zurich

Datum(s) - 22.09.2024
17:30 - 20:30
Maximum Plätze => 6
Freie Plätze => 6

22 Jahre Reiki Schule / School in Zürich DE/EN


🇬🇧 Reiki 4th Degree Teacher SHINPIDEN

Traditional acc. to Dr Mikao Usui

The courses are available either on-site in Zurich or online.
If you have previously attended the course with me, you will receive a 50% discount for repetition.

If not explicitly stated, the first registration determines whether the course takes place online or in person. Please indicate your preference when registering.

The Teacher Level provides the ability and authorization to initiate others into Reiki and train them in all Reiki levels according to Dr. Mikao Usui – including Master/Teacher.
This level is the culmination of the Reiki system and means that you are allowed to teach courses afterwards,
but it is not mandatory. It is recommended to learn the Master & Teacher levels together.

Prerequisite for the teacher level is the completion of Reiki 3 Master Level.
At least 3 treatments must have been received and given.
One must be able to draw the 3 symbols of the Reiki 2 course from memory.
The meaning and purpose of the 5 Reiki principles is understood and lived.
If you have not learnt Reiki 1 and Reiki 2 with me, please look up the contents in my courses,
whether all content is familiar and mastered. Contents: REIKI 1 SHODEN & REIKI 2 OKUDEN & REIKI 3 SHINPIDEN

This is important so that we are on the same level of experience and knowledge.
If you are familiar with all the contents, a conversation/appointment with me in advance is sufficient.
DATES If you are not familiar with the content, you can repeat 50% of the course with me.

  • The course is individually tailored to the needs and desires of the students
  • The significance and role of the Master and Teacher
  • Create your own personal power and inspiration card for the next (at least) 21 days
  • Clarify your questions and uncertainties
  • Your students and YOU Initiation into Reiki Teacher
  • The content of the first 3 levels will be reviewed and repeated
  • Gassho Meditation
  • Gakkai’s Hatsu Rei Ho
  • Clients form
  • RAKU – Fire insulation
  • Rainbow Chakra Aura Balancing with the 4 Symbols (Self or Distant Healing)
  • Reiki Lineage / Family Tree
  • Ritual of initiation is learned (for all Reiki levels) Student/Teacher interaction
  • Insurance matters / Administration
  • Included in the courses are comprehensive seminar and training materials
  • the diploma for the corresponding Reiki degree – handmade with a seal
  • access to EXCLUSIVE content
  • Telegram group for Sharing experiences and help
  • my Reiki lineage


Price structure

The format of the course, whether online or in Zurich, usually depends on the initial registration unless explicitly stated otherwise.

Online courses:
My interactive online courses (no pre-recorded videos but live sessions in a 1:1 format with me) offer a unique experience.

If you have previously learned from me, you can repeat the same course at a reduced price of 50%. 

Discounts are not cumulative.



Price structure The format of the course, whether online or in Zurich, usually depends on the initial registration unless explicitly stated otherwise. Online courses: My interactive online courses (no pre-recorded videos but live sessions in a 1:1 format with me) offer a unique experience. If you have previously learned from me, you can repeat the same course at a reduced price of 50%.  Discounts are not cumulative.


Booking Summary

x Reiki 4th Degree Teacher
CHF 0.00
CHF 0.00

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